Saturday, March 5, 2011

Side Effects Of Vagisil Feminine Wash

task ahead The paradox of the 'new' technologies digital Competition

already anticipated in the first part the issues that would play here, so go straight to the point: 4. Repository . The blog is a repository
useful data for monitoring progress and for the extension of content. There are several ways to store these materials:

  • 's own blog entries are the article. The
  • links to educational magazines, to websites of institutions, communities of teachers, publishers, banks, resources, reference documents, a glossary ... Blogroll

of logs ELE teachers that we recommend.

Using Slideshare
, we provide the
slideshow made in PowerPoint or Keynote and used in the sessions. With
YouTube videos include interest facilitate files to PDF or DOC ready for direct download (articles, reference documents, articles, chapters in books, etc.).
Direct access
collaborative documents with those who work along the way-in Google Docs -
galleries and images
(class, slate, provision of classroom furniture, etc..)-In Flickr Published adeministración and content
entries. The praxis

is very simple. At the beginning of the course, students have received a USB key with all the material we have considered the academic team for the first three modules (first three weeks). From now on, the rest of the material, will be publishing and may be downloaded in their
. 6. Tags
. We have chosen to label entries solely with module to which it belongs (Module 0, Module 1, Module 2 ...) thus ensuring that the tag becomes a table of contents. result I hope you have all this interesting and useful. I think with a little imagination (and some hours) we succeed in creating an online platform that will help us support our courses, taking as a base for a blog and serving the utilities own blogging service plus other services and
2.0 tools that are available in the cloud. I remain pending

your comments and questions.


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