I done it again. Yes I have returned to create another game
class. Again a board game with the board. I've done in collaboration with my friend Sergio (who I made a nod in box 41) and with the advice of my partner Isa. On this occasion, following the outline of the Goose Game , we have developed a game board with 42 squares. We have raised three
grammatical Practicing the main uses of prepositions. To this end, each box is a phrase in the missing prepositions. The sentence is supported in an image. Objective
All statements refer to knowledge and behaviors of Spain.

- A trip to Spain (Game of the Goose )
The tardicionales boxes of the goose (geese and ... a shot because I have to) or the bridge (a bridge and shot ... because I take the current) have been replaced by pairs of words polysemic (boat to boat, from bank to bank and from card to card). If you fall into one of them and correctly states the right expression, that is, if they know the word with both meanings, it shortens the road. If not, no movement. Casillaspunishment: As we do not like the idea of \u200b\u200bputting prisons (another thing are the inns ...) we decided to give a positive image with the punishment. There are two types: two squares Count is a turn without playing ( Afternoon shopping at Mango
and Tapas Night
) and a box that sends you to start (
you've won the Pools
- and do another tour of Spain). Comments
- teaching game development:
- is advisable to get the most from the proposal, be stopping at each box and discuss social and cultural information that is considered, in addition to analyzing the grammatical . The boxes speak of cinema, literature, painting, sports, music, food, times, monuments, geography, communications, etc. and we give rise to further in habits and customs of the English on the one hand, and knowledge of the culture of Spain.
- The competitiveness is the main obstacle to achieving the above mentioned. We must create an environment for play and learning from the beginning, giving time for explanations and further examples, asking questions that promote intercultural exchange through the comparison with the cultures of the participants. hope you like this work in your classes.
- how she puts it in their classes? Well, very simple. Ask students to use their digital cameras or mobile phones to take pictures with details of what is in school and / or its surroundings and also a picture of the whole object, which will serve to correct. The following photos are projected and in groups, it becomes a competition to see who can guess more.
- For example:
I'm thinking of taking my classes when appropriate. probably begin putting some video of the ant hill to see the game
ass or elbow, and thereby making contextualizaré activity, ie, inviting them to say whether ass or elbow, the pace of the Four
. Then, will raise the activity such as student-colleague makes my English teacher. 
If someone comes to life, tell us your experience. If someone wants to share another idea or activity you do in class that he has come to mind when reading this post, you just have to click below and leave your comment.
- Image Credits I want to thank the loving presentation of the second part they have done in LdeLengua (I suspect
Francisco ): After the success of the first installment of Word tutorial Models with
- @ jramon
- , now published the second part explained in more tricks to get a professional with our proven almost text documents. As always in TdeTutorial
- . To learn more about the work of José Ramón can follow in his blog
- . recommend you take for you to see the other tutorials , almost all the work of Lucas Perez on other tools, services and platforms really useful and well made.
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