Friday, February 25, 2011

Free Biffy Clyro Piano Sheet Music

education teaching and learning

Although the title of this post would be shorter and, say, more beautiful, agree with me that can not be more explicit: P online supplement a classroom course and asked me to explain a bit what we have done. I take this opportunity to give some hints on how to use this service creation and management posts in our courses. In this case, a teacher training course.
I put in a brief history: the January 18 we began the
Course Teacher Training Extended I / LE (CEXELE) in Málaga Yes, 120-hour course taught by mid May two afternoons per week. This organization, in our view, requires a continuity that can be given only by medio de un espacio online común a todos los participantes, que sirva, tanto de
repositorio de materiales como de medio de comunicación y de espacio de interacción. Todo esto lo podemos conseguir con un blog (en este caso en Blogger) que sirva de lugar desde donde seguir el proceso del curso y de plataforma para acceder a otros servicios, herramientas y recursos.
Os daré algunas pautas de lo que se puede hacer (y estamos haciendo) desde Blogger a fin de enriquecer los programas académicos presenciales que, de este modo, se transforman en
b-learning : Privacidad. Evidentemente, este blog es privado, it is for internal use by the course participants, both teachers and pupils and, occasionally, collaborators (eg, specialized publishers involved with workshops). Blogger lets you create a private blog that is accessible only by invitation.

Mail GMail. can only access the private blog via an e-mail from GMail
. What at first is a limitation we have become an advantage, creating as many accounts as participants in the course there. Thus, we avoid having people who do not want to use their personal accounts in certain areas. In our case, we have created and distributed accounts that students have changed their passwords when they are trying to whose mailbox has been invited and from which you access the class blog. Pages. Entries addition, Blogger allows you to have pages (fixed) displayed in tabs, which we used (you can see in the screenshot) to manage certain information that we considered essential and should always be present. There are six sections: This blog, where we explain the function within the course.
Program. Hours, dates and sessions. Library. All relevant documentation collected: links to educational journals, reference to documents ... and documents for direct download (articles, interviews, worksheets, etc.).

activities and tasks. Periodically, at the end of each block of sessions, it will take some task or activity. All instructions, deadlines, working groups, etc. will be here.
Tools. Shortcuts to other online tools that we use during the course for some activities or tasks, such as Flickr and Google Docs. Contact
  • . Naturally, for any Indeed, all the ways to contact us, email, phone, Skype, Twitter ...- have them in the last page.
  • In the second inning of this series, we will discuss the role of data repository (Point 4), publication, administration and content of entries (point 5) and labeling system (point 6).

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Vaignal Hair Removing Vedio

Destination Port

"granite up to Porto and provide a good local wine once our team has gotten a pass to Round of the Cup that changed life, raise the glasses singing together all our forces

Health A Health .... to .... my Sevilla Futbol Club

No shadow covers it,
nobody can, nobody could,
often discolor the symbol of my passion, my heart
die, but it will be your shield
(Antonio García Barbeito)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Can You Use Optiva With Contact Lenses

language of prepositions La Oca

  • He commented in the previous post on this topic had asked my colleagues twitterers a definition of the decade 2001-2010 from the perspective of education. The exercise did, in the 140 characters that allows our beloved tool for communication, exchange and learning, was brilliant and so I wanted to share all the tweets they sent. Huge reflections expressed in micro format
  • throwing a conclusion with multiple consequences, namely:
  • we are in a process of paradigm shift from teaching-learning process characterized by the potentiation of individuality (each person owns and protagonists of their learning process) and cooperative learning (learn by doing things with others, with others). extracted from this statement in principle, three very interesting conclusions, namely: makes no sense trying to do a whole group, that an entire class or an entire course is homogeneous at the expense of matching the low level and sacrificing the qualities and abilities of students who are hungrier, more skills, more desire or motivation to learn more , which until now is usually slow. Certainly, it is much easier to go faster than a trot to get the slow run at full gallop, but he is not do any disservice to one or other.
  • Due to the above agree that learning should be centered on the individual. Obviously, in the individual as a member of a society. That is, we are not betting on education and individualistic beings but by putting the spotlight on each person and for that we are created in Internet networking, socialization, communication and, therefore, learning and teaching. People establish ties in these networks based on interests, tastes, needs ... and not just by age or the alphabetical order of surname. Learning is a process that is changing so rapidly changing, and, probably, we are engaged in that process so that many are not realizing a few years ago but which has been reflecting on
  • informal learning and learning invisible
  • , chaotic learning and for life the connectivism ... conceptualization of this paradigm shift in which we operate. - Image Credits demanding as it requires knowledge, skills, strategies and teaching skills.
  • But this decade has been, without doubt, the decade of the 2.0 . Web 2.0 has brought a revolution in way we interact socially and professionally, has expanded the range of resources available for almost everything, in short, is changing the way people learn and teach . few days ago I asked my colleagues on Twitter
    a definition of the decade from the point of view of education. To do this I created the hashtag
    # edudécada2.0
    , and here I leave her bright tweets:

    Maribel Gonzalez ( @ Monfor
    Decade 2.0: time when we started using new ways to communicate, learn, create and share through ICT.

    first clear view of the best options for a path for School 2.0. Beginning of the expansion.

    Guillermo Gomez ( @ cometa23 ): communication and networking. Collaboration, collective creation and open licenses that allow sharing.

    Miguel Angel Garcia (
    Toni Solano (
    @ tonisolano
    1. ): The decade in which ICTs are like Viagra: All need to know but few :-)
    2. Dolors Reig ( @ dreig
    3. ): The gregarious
    4. to personalized learning and collaboration.
      Lola Torres (
        @ lolatorrres
      • ): to the "Do It Yourself Education."
      • Manuel Creeper (
      • @ mararu
      • ): I would define it also promises unfulfilled global and individual actions become less isolated. Old wound gap.
      • Eraser (eraser @
      • ): ... a fantasy entomology and. and aviary!!
      • Pocalise (
      • @ pocalise
    Many options, increasingly, which adds new challenges (both students and profs) without having resolved the many already. Expanding the goals of literacy, new media, new genres, new discursive practices ... Fernando Trujillo ( @ ftsaez
    ): ):
    education is torn between his death at the hands of Bologna or survival and resurgence in 2.0. In the second part of this post, tweets reflection on the findings and historical juncture where we are.

    Sunday, February 13, 2011

    Protein Powder On Phase 1 ?

    With my heart The

    Tomorrow is February 14, a very special day for lovers. The day where the flowers on the street do not call much attention, and sales of jewelry, accessories and chocolates with loving reasons your sales soar. Want to give an idea of \u200b\u200byour kid? Here are a few.

    Uno de 50









    Uno de 50
    I hope you have a happy Valentine's day and full of surprises!

    Does Susten Capsules Stop The Periods

    hand end of Sales! GO! GO

    We are in the final stretch of the rebates and it's time you take a look at your favorite stores for less than you think, you take the bargain of the century.

    For starters, do not buy to buy, simply because it is cheap or take good discount. Look, compare and decide if it really worth buying and if later you're going to put to good use. Before leaving I always leave my closet and I analyze what I need, if my basic wardrobe is correct and I have at least one of the garments hit of the season and if necessary make a list, such as buy, hehe.

    Another issue is time, do not think that shopping is a race, rebates last two months, you have time to spare, you can go first to a few stores and then another, or change of the mall. Also another option is to go first to the top brand stores and a second day go to the factory outlets and shops, is where they end up buying anything not in the former. I've done in two stages, first I spent a day with H & M and Mango, and the second stage dedicated entirely to Inditex, the truth is I have found real gems. To see what you think.

    already had in my closet a long skirt summer, but wanted to be a separate one for winter, something chic or boho hippie style. Drew shows us how to combine.


    The skirt thing is because I bought two more one for the day and one for the night. Skirts Lady love me, and if you have pictures even more. After having seen them in several parades could not stay without one.

    For the night is always a skirt or dress, and this season minivolantes are the right choice. Although the eternal black will always be there, Daphne chose white.


    I fell in love when I saw this shirt, I loved the color. Both very wearable for a night out to a more formal event. Patricia has a very similar but with the gray shirt.

    A couple basic shirts in your wardrobe can never fail to combine with jeans, a good jacket, your sunglasses and go out to the street perfect for a day of shopping or a coffee with your friends. Raquel knows well.

    H & M
    nothing better to combine this shirt and jeans that lace booties have been a boom this winter and could not be without them. Here are Blake and Rachel on the skirt and short version.


    and you have unknowingly become . Flared pants are not just jeans, Mango gives you the beige and gray versions. Olivia took in presenting the new campaign.

    vintage supplements are taking more and more strength and are ideal for an extra touch to your look. Alex loves is the ambassador vintange everything from a gown to a brooch, and of course the hanging can not miss.

    lace! How wonderful! The elegance personified in a dress. But always without going over, it is very treacherous, choose well, it is not excessive. Emma got it right.

    Las rayas ya se vieron el año pasado en verano, pero este invierno han vuelto para quedarse. Los vestidos largos han aparecido en todas nuestras tiendas favoritas. La elección puede ser dificil porque no ha todo el mundo le quedan bien. Con unas bailarinas o zapatos planos como las de Fearne Cotton, pero no con esa chaqueta, un poco desacertada. Yo la combinaria con una capa o un blazer.

    Y para darle un poco de forma add a small belt, always in shades of brown. Suevizarán look.

    only thing I have missed have been the beloved clogs Alexa, but I do not worry, i will meet.

    Thursday, February 10, 2011

    Purfume Taste Inn Mouth

    "ass or elbow," version SFL

    The year 2010, so round it, comes to an end and I want to do a bit of balance and inventory of the year. There are several categories in which I would like to order the experiences, thoughts, ideas, etc. year in a few hours we will ...

    Readings I read in analog, oddly enough, novels and stories by writers from around the world: from the hilarious and eccentric narratives Dahl Safier Sharpe or the stories metaliterary Enrique Vila-Matas, from the narrative of the Holocaust and Nazi theme to the magical realism and Ogawa Asian Murakami. This year, my readings have been these:
    • What hides your name (Clara Sanchez)
    • The Third Reich (Roberto Bolaño)
    • tumultuous meeting (Tom Sharpe)
    • Wilt ( Tom Sharpe)
    • The fearsome Blott (Tom Sharpe) The great change had
    • (Roald Dahl)
    • Perfume ice (Yoko Ogawa) Dubinesca
    • (Enrique Vila-Matas)
    • Beginners (Raymond Carver) Bird Chronicle winds the world (Haruki Murakami)
    The art of resurrection
      (Hernán Rivera Letelier)
    • Reunion (Fred Uhlman)
    The library of the dead
      (Glenn Cooper)
    • The Lazarus Project (Aleksander Hemon)
      Suite Francaise (Irene Némirovski)
    • My Uncle Oswald (Roald Dahl)
    Lamentations of a foreskin
      (Shalom Auslander)
    • Damn karma (David Safier) \u200b\u200b
      Jesus Loves Me (David Safier) \u200b\u200b
    • Interpretation of Murder (Jed Rubenfeld)
      Necropolis (Boris Pahor)
    • Burlando the Reaper (Josh Bazell)
    • Rebel Angels
      (Robertson Davies)
    Travel has been around, really. I've finally been able to visit the concentration camp and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau in . I am of the opinion that everyone should visit this place at least once in their life, which means the change of man from the mid-twentieth century Milan.
    , was cut short by snow closed the airport of Heathrow. In any case, if there is no Nievo, nor could have been because it was the day that our beloved drivers decided to kidnap travelers at airports. There remains, then, in 2011. Blogs
    My line of thought has continued teaching my blog,
    JRamónELE , in which I have published more than 80 entries and have passed the 15,000 visits. Nel have been born of JRamónELE
    , with a first issue devoted to urban legends about grammar in the class of E / LE and, in 2011, will continue with the second on urban legends about culture. I have worked co
    in Section
    • with one about layout to Word which has published the first of three component parts. And I wanted to complete my reflective teaching portfolio with
    • JRamónELE
    • Notes, a new product in that Tumblr announced back in August , and is already approaching 40 MiniPosts about things that I learn of the cultures . Tools
    • I still love
    • Twitter as a tool for communication, discussion and exchange with other teachers. PLE In my Google Reader
    • is closely related to my Twitter which, incidentally, I decided to sync with Facebook
    • . This has been the year of geolocation and check-in and I tried to
    • Foursquare
    • (although I fail to find use for the class of E / LE). I liked very Shuttercal to share a photo a day (and
    • of
    • I published a post on how to use English language courses), and recently I'm trying Instagram for the iPhone. The scare has come to end the year with the announcement
    • closing Delicious, one of my favorite tools. I back up my bookmarks in Diigo
    • , though it looks Yahoo! not going to close its service but trying to sell ... we will look at how things ... For some days I'm messing
    • Evernote (I'll tell you.) Sports
    • You know I love the sport and I enter a paragraph on the subject. As my
    • Unicaja
    • walks in crisis and my in Malaga on the red line that separates the first from the abyss of the Second Division, I stay with the wonderful Nike ad, under the slogan
    • Twinkle, ilumna your country
    • , We are remembering our successes in times of social difficulties and economic policies:
    • Mac And for me, this 2010 is my year By Mac iPod use since 2008, joined the MacBook Pro in late 2009 and early iPhone 2010. Will the iPad in 2011? The integration and synchronization of services and tools across devices and permanently from the connection and presence in the cloud are the main benefits beyond the benefits of the internal architecture itself
    • devices
    • Uncle Steve:)
    • People Best of 2010 (which is always the best) are the people I've been able to share, both personally and professionally:
    • The
    • readers of my blogs, commentators / commenters on my blogs, using my posts, those who answer my tweets and, in turn, tweeted, those who follow me in the nets, because that generate content and knowledge, because amplify the thoughts, experiences and insights, as we build, (re) drive opinions on current events ...
    • The
    • teachers with whom I worked at the school. All have taught me much, especially in attitude, in terms of personal relationships, and fresh interest in the work ... and force me to pursue my interest.

    The students course of my classes. Real engine of my business and my efforts, authentic sources of inspiration for all creative and reasons and motivations of all thoughtful work. Without them none of this would make sense because we do it for them.

    Sunday, February 6, 2011

    How Can I Write A Non Renewed Contract Letter

    Girls are lovely

    This week I had the opportunity to meet girls GO SHOP SEVILLE. Carola Sara Radich and Gilsanz, two charming entrepreneur who wanted to open in Sevilla the world of personal shopper. The project began in 2007 with the innovative idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a company where bringing tourists and buyers sevilla @ s @ s shopping service and advice exisitía not here yet .. As I was told, were afraid of not accepted in this city, which had not been created before, but has not been well, with exquisite style have become the first company in Seville to provide these types product.
    But you can not just hire a personal shopper, but also have a range of possibilities in the world of fashion and shopping. On their website you can find all kinds of shops and tourist routes in general, advise you on your wardrobe, your look at a day appointed, accessories, fashion innovative and traditional gastronímicas routes, custom or group, and that's not all, offer those interested to approach or engage in this world or even for your personal advice, the possibility of courses Personal Shopper and Protocol.

    Anywhere to talk about fashion in Seville, are them. Although the route is usually the center of the city, they have their own booth at the Mall Nervión Plaza, by appointment, you can hire their services. Do not think they are luxury services, their prices are very affordable, you can become a very original gift for any ocasión.Y that's not all, we already have confessed that delegation in Madrid, be sure to visit their website and soak up everything you give, you will not regret. Personalized estimates made and the result is incredible.

    Once again, thanks to Carol and Sara for hosting with such sympathy and kindness, are charming and very close. Hope to see you soon. A kiss girls and continue to fight for fashion.

    Thursday, February 3, 2011

    Wedding Program Story

    not say it was a robbery.

    From the consummation of our elimination from the Copa -do not say it was a robo- I mulling over the desirability of publishing this post. A hundred times I started and a hundred times I've thrown in the trash. But despite the reluctance, disgust, anger, powerlessness and humiliation I feel, and with me all the feelings at Blanquirroja, I can not allow silent. Not with my silence.

    This blow that in the light of day, with malice aforethought, have given us in the first leg Undiano Mallenco and Teixeira Vitienes in turn, has been the "mother of all defeats -not say it was a robbery - and recorded here as a premise, that our team never was - I had not left him, ready to pass the knockout Cup One bad game and a worse outcome in our stadium and left things very difficult. Chamartín then spent what was written in the script from that in the ETF designed remote control that Machiavellian and matchmaking system, which coincidentally, - things of the draw - he avoided crossing between Madrid and Barcelona until the very end. I will not continue to insist on something that we all saw, and unfortunately, all anticipated.

    I'm more interested to look ahead and above all else, to defend the honor, caste and pride of my players, my team, my flag and my shield. The red are ours, "said the astonished Bilardo, a guy who smelled like no stench that left in its wake the mob of soccer in Spain and the power I had, and has, adultery, no shame any Sporting competition. So, always, but now more than ever, we believe defeated, there must be with this staff and this beloved club of our interlinings, which has suffered in the last month, robbery after robbery by thieves in power. Go

    victim is not my style, not the President of Sevilla. Whining and making excuses, either. But it is very disappointing race in these conditions and urges change. This is the point of this post. Using means I have to assume that we are a pain in the ass for certain interests, and that inherently are not willing to turn the other cheek. We must fight this rule that prevents us from breathing, which shamelessly rigs the outcome of the competition, without blushing twisting the fate of those who have the courage to face the absolute power of the dictatorship arbitration, an instrument of punishment in the service of those who pay them.

    Let us use our weapons, we fight this hierarchy sits at the right hand of the powerful. Pintemosnos our faces crimson ink to come and see us tremble, and shook the stands of the Bernabeu panic, seconds before another lineman, one more, committed the outrage of Alun Negredo goal.
    will win this battle and our reward will wash wounds with tears of the defeated enemy. We will run. Or give a step backwards. Have crossed the line of what is tolerable and we can not afford. We are not trampled by my silence. No turning back in this war. Sports of course, but war after all, against injustice, against those who dare to tarnish our glorious shield against tainted spokesmen chiripitiflauticos with white mana. We met one hundred years to allow us to trample. Nor have we come here to bow their heads. Football always gives you a rematch, and when that happens, a chemical we, in the light, hearts Sevilla. Here I am, here I go on, red and white passion as a witness.

    Tuesday, February 1, 2011

    40 Miles Over The Speed Limit

    Tutorial LdeLengua layout with Word (2)

    The Blog
    Jaime Cuesta discovered this video that I found absolutely great to congratulate the holidays. It is a very original way of telling what we celebrate this day. Merry Christmas!

    Published on December 20 I introduced cultural
    a few days ago, one of the participating students, American, told me he had googled
    something (I forget what) and had found what I expected ... Yes, I know it is not very specific question: the reason is that my attention was fixed on the verb used (which formed a perfect participle: Google> Google). I interrupted and asked: What word did you use? Googling Is there a verb in English? She
    repondió yes, is used to mean Google search. White and cylinder ... and went to the internet and googling 'to google 'and lo and behold I found your entry in the Wikipedia: Google (verb) and English version: ' google 'or' GOOGLE ', with the same meaning and two more notes: The RAE has expressed the possibility of including in the Dictionary. Google is not the work of encouraging the use of this word related to its trademark for fear of burning. Anyway, the neologism is served. But in a first search the web I find many interesting results, only the odd article that uses this verb in its headline ( Vice
    I googling, you Google ... all
    googling) and entry in English Wiktionarity . But I am satisfied, especially because during the reading of
    Jesus loves me, the latest novel by David Safier (German author Damn karma), I find this: Googleâ in my father's laptop and found two articles on the net about people who believed Jesus (page 88; Seix Barral). The first time I meet with the verb in a novel, is the first time I see it written is that, just a couple of weeks after hearing it for the first time. This encourages me to keep looking and find that in a July 2006 article on trademarks , Carlos G. Down pointed out that had been Enrique Dans who had used the word google in English, for the first time in 2001! (Enrique Dans it was surprised by the data): In Spain 90% of Internet searches made through Google. Gomez is likely to enter into the dictionary 'if it is the only one who knows'. The first reference to the verb google in a newspaper in Castilian refers to 2001, in an article in this newspaper Enrique Dans. How quickly accept the academics? Dear Carlos, dear Henry ... we're close to celebrate the tenth anirversario that time and still waiting. Though I wonder: do we need the approval of the Academy to use the verb? remember a few months ago I wrote a post about another neologism: tweet. The entry was entitled Tuite, regular verb is that there is a tendency in English to build the new verbs as regular verbs of the first conjugation . I raise my right hand and confess: I use verbs tweet (tweet), equipped cubicles
    (skype) feisbuquear
    (Facebook), blogging or
    post (meaning to play in the low post-basketball-and post entries or posts on the blog, any of the meanings set forth in the DRAE ) and, for some days, GOOGLE (google) . Will we see (listen, read) güiquiliquear (wikilikear) soon?
    And in keeping with the upper hand, I confess that I bring to class ... Any objections?
    Published on December 26, 2010 cultural. The 2008 calendar tried the English fiestas and traditions (and photographed represent the Three Kings Day, Carnival, Holy Week, the Tomatina, the San Fermin festival in 2009 ...); we focus on some acontemientos important historical (the death of Franco, the discovery of America, the introduction of the euro, the attempted coup Tejero, etc.).
    last year we did a tour of the
    regions and some
    symbols (Gaudi and Dali in Catalonia, the flamenco of Andalusia, the Camino de Santiago de Galicia, etc.). week were last working on the idea, the preparation and drafting of the 2011 calendar
    . On this occasion, the theme chosen by the students was this: international English inventions
    . Here are the photos:

    • The deck of cards.



    The lollipops.

    The Molotov cocktail and guerrilla warfare.
    cigarette. The football.
    The helicopter (well, the gyro, its precursor).

    Napping: English invention, according to our students:)

    The mop. The excellent photographer this year was
    Olivier, who has managed to give a super professional touch to the images that give life to the calendar. Thanks Oli! Participants were
    Bobbi (U.S.) Lothar (Germany), Michaela (Slovakia), Yohanna (USA), Julia (Germany), Stephanie (Netherlands), Yves (Switzerland), Esmée (Netherlands), Isabelle (Sweden), Sizana

    Renaud (France),
    Marie (Germany) and teachers: