Friday, January 28, 2011

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not sidetrack it

ctuación Among the outrageous trio of arbitration in the match against Madrid and rivers of ink that have run on the occasion of Mangaze Fermin, the pennant, and confirmation of the two signings Sevilla in the winter market to strengthen the staff, little or no talk about the game tomorrow playing the greatest team in Southern Europe, the Sevilla Football Club in Riazor against Real Club Deportivo de la Coruña The "Depor" to those closest.

It turns out that the party gets it. For Depor, and of course our beloved club. Ni Lotina and Manzano are able to give away the game. Some, Depor, because it is very close to the breath of the wolf in the Second Division, and another, our Sevilla FC, because it has no margin for error to avoid falling behind in the struggle for positions that are eligible to play next year Europe.

party will be a dog-faced, relentlessly. No one is worth the draw, with neither of them worth anything other than get the three points at stake. And last but not least the risk, Apple can not count for this crucial match with an important part of the backbone of the team: Sergio Sanchez on defense, Romaric in midfield, Navas on the right wing and Kanoute up. Four pieces fundamental and deplete our team, make no mistake, the potential of a team that accidental injuries caused by the violent game of Real Madrid - with the permissiveness of Undiano Mallenco-burdening their performance.

When you play against Real, and more if it is a Cup semi-final in Spain, always makes feathers on the road. And we we left. Neither Romaric, or Sergio Sanchez can play in Riazor. But not worth wasting time licking their wounds. Coruña have to come back with three more points in the bag. Anything other than that is to make the second round much steeper than it already is.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Anatomy of a robbery

Minute five. Xavi Alonso elbowed in the face of Romaric. Undiano Mallenco, next to the play, looks away and forgives the expulsion to the Real Madrid player.

Minute 8. Lass breaks her ankle minutes later Sergio Sanchez had to be replaced. Undiano Mallenco, which sees the violent entry, do not dare to expel him.

Minute 10. Lass again, made a tackle from behind, knocking down Navas. Undiano Mallenco lets follow the play and does not expel Lass.

Minute 24. Arbeloa gives him an elbow in the face of Jesus Navas in the face of Fermin. Undiano Mallenco pita failure and spares his yellow card to the side of Madrid.

Minute 29. Arbeloa cuts a pass play with his hand voluntarily and the referee, who notes the absence, he returned to pardon the expulsion to the Real player.

Minute 31. Arbeloa sees yellow card for a kick to Romaric. It was the second and Romaric is injured and was substituted early in the second half. Iba

half-hour, and we already had two players injured, greatly influenced the development of the game and Madrid had to be playing with 8 players.

But worse was to come.

Minute 46. Off the first time. Luis Fabiano, in position regulatory bargain Iker Casillas, Albiol effort on goal and gets the ball once it fully crosses the goal line. The linesman did not give the goal as valid.

finished the armed robbery. So wins Madrid. This is the level of arbitration in Spain. This is the third goal that we cancel Undiano Mallenco and line judges in just a month. Two in Villareal and tonight in Seville.

See you at the Bernabeu because we have not said our last word.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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red blood boil We Die

Just 24 hours after our bombonera see again the defending champion of Spain title (The same as Real Madrid and his millions are 18 years without tasting), adrenaline overflows us through the pores and Nervión red blood begins to boil with unusual force in the pressure cooker will tomorrow be the Ramón Sánchez Pizjuán .

won the game started one to zero for the magnificent campaign marketing department with a spectacular video of "war paint." Objective widely accomplished, ie fans and team supermotivados and marking the opponent's total and their minions. Jose Mouriño deeply respect. We find a coach class. Of those who nostro want for our team. True to its style, going from the front, defending his ardor and his men, but we feel that it is in the wrong team. Not used by the capital of Spain to be told the truth in the face and Mouriño has shown that no part pears with anyone. And less than one, with Bilardo (Menot, sorry) Valdano. The same is not afraid to defend his position even at the cost of casting a football Pellegrini and glove, by a technician corduroy over any contingency, always looks for the result.

Whatever happens tomorrow, no one takes away the funk you breathe in the Castellana. On Sunday against Mallorca and risking their league, their Mouriño reserved major players in midfield, but now we know that Seville is brought to its entire staff available. Portuguese knows who plays the rooms and especially something that makes the Sevilla us proud: we are respected. He knows that we compete and we can be rolling, and unlike the media spokespersons Concha Espina, who are just trying to ridicule and belittle our team and our president, not at all clear that the mighty Real Madrid, is in the Cup final in Spain.

have been unlucky with Sevilla did not.
Go for it, eooo to at ellos, eooo!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Best Bluetooth Mono Headset

Agustin Rodriguez, a granite Sevilla Madrid

Ha muerto Agustín Rodriguez , un sevillista de granito, un sevillista tan gande como el escudo, tan importante en la historia del club más grande de Andalucía, como el más importante de los sevillistas. La noticia, por inesperada, nos ha dejado el corazón helado, el ánimo por los suelos y las entretelas del alma tocadas en lo más intimo.

Hacía apenas un mes que Agustín nos entrevistó en la radio oficial del club. Fuimos allí los que hacemos este blog a disfrutar de una Sevilla later, to spread on our radio, the same as he helped build, the Seville to the four cardinal points. List here the services that Augustine has given the greater glory of Sevilla would write the very history of Seville, that he and his effort to preserve the historical memory of soccer in our city, intertwined since their effective research. Guardian

Sevilla memory and daring adventurer, Agustín spread in the cyber world that Red White and Red that from his post at the Association Sevilla in the Red "Pepe Brand" helped its growth and expansion. Agustin Rodriguez will always be in our memory. The same memory that will ensure from the third ring of Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan , your home and your life, so that no stain, nor does it deny, the honorable, glorious centennial history of Sevilla Football Club. Farewell, dear Augustine and from this humble blog, our sincere condolences to his family.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

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SHOP SEVILLE Latest from Kate

This past week has jumped the news of the latest cover Kate Moss in Love magazine. He is accompanied by Lea T transsexual model, muse of Givenchy. Kate is known for its wild life and agetreada and this time he managed to be again the focus, not to mention the public spectacles that have given the magazine world. In my opinion, have given too much hype in the news, I think a very artistic cover and are both spectacular. Judge vosotr @ s mism @ s .

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That no you remove your seat

After processing the match against Levante (the match was determined to break with a resounding 3-0), the marketing department of Sevilla Football Club, was pulled off one of those magical and unforgettable moments that have made our team a role model for everyone. The video projected on the videos bookmarks to the end of the game has been around the world and will, for the team to eliminate Real Madrid, continue in the future. If last year's hat Del Nido was the talisman that accompanied the team to win the Cup in the Nou Camp this year will see the "war paint" on the faces of Sevilla in the final.

Beyond motivator for that video, the important thing reflexes is the ability of a management board who knows the importance of the Cup semi-final against Madrid, and the need for the computer has the full support of the crowd. Much ink will run from now until Wednesday, but surely we have learned to put in the locker room and the fans that magical feeling that makes a boiler Nervión red.

Meanwhile, the fans still waiting for these needed reinforcements to the center of the field that never quite closed. The last two and comfortable victories against Villarreal and Levante, should not blur the idea that they are not only necessary but absolutely essential for Zokora is not, partido tras partido, como único futbolistas de contención. La temporada entra ahora en los momentos importantes y entre Enero y Marzo se dilucidará el futuro deportivo de nuestro club. Tras la eliminatoria contra el Madrid, está la del Oporto en la Europa League, y la liga entrará en su recta final con demasiados equipos por encima del nuestro. Ni Valencia, ni Español, ni Villareal, ceden y las ventajas no se reducen.
El 31 de Enero se acerca inexorable y el problema no es sólo fichar. Es que no hay más margen de error, y con esa presión añadida, Monchi deberá acertar en lo que traiga.

Post blog. Almost all media have echoed late Sunday night, which is signed Medel at the expense of the medical examination to be held Monday in Seville. Something that has not yet officially announced the club. I particularly, and without having seen playing nigueriano Annan, I think this is much more competitive player that the player's Rosenborg. I said at the time that a player from the Norwegian league, was running too much risk.

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Your second skin ....

small still remember when my mother put on her black fur coat to go to dinner, it was gradually banishing, but recently I've seen pulled from the trunk memories of their precious treasure. As I have no memory lane, I decided to get my hands on one in our stores its, "you help me decide? Here it is my favorite.

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what? By which I decidiriais? I'll tell you by what I decided. Bye

Thursday, January 20, 2011

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Luna transferred to Almería. I do not agree

The official website of the greatest team in Southern Europe, the Sevilla Football Club has confirmed the transfer until end of season canterano Antonio Luna at Almeria. From the utmost respect for the decision taken by the sports management of Sevilla Football Club, I do not agree and believe, as with the transfer of Cala at Cartagena, that such transfer weakens us in sports, is detrimental to our interests, we take a wrong message to our players quarry, and economically - but do not know the numbers of the guess-operation unprofitable.

Club argues in its submission to the press, that this assignment without a purchase option, intended to give minutes to a player who should continue their development and their training in a First Division team that will ensure the minutes that our team provides. And understanding this reasoning, and understanding the player's desire to grow athletically, I do not quite accept that the nivelito that is giving this year our defense, Pedrera has no permanent place in the first team.

We've talked in other posts of the team's defensive problems, the imbalance of a template that today, only has two left-handed players on defense, and only one side nato. ¿Qué pasa si – toco madera para que no ocurra – Fernando Navarro se lesiona de importancia? Ni Escudé ahora, ni Drago cuando se incorpore, son laterales natos en la banda izquierda. Con la cesión de Luna solo queda el recurso de utilizar a Dabo en la izquierda. No lo veo. Simplemente no lo veo.

Y no culpo al futbolista, que antes de marcharse ha renovado con el club hasta 2013 – quizás como imperativo para la cesión - y está loco, porque ha demostrado que vale en los pocos minutos donde se le dio la oportunidad, por jugar en Primera División. Culpo a quien ha decidido tomar esa decisión. No estoy al tanto de los entresijos del club, pero no hay que ser un lince para intuir que tras esa Improper disposal, is the hand of Manzano, who either do not believe in moon as a player level, rather than as first team coach, he has the right to say so, or worse yet, that does not take into account Manzano work and progression of the players of our quarry.

If the latter was the true origin of the transfer of Antonio Luna at Almería - Monchi was no other team? - Apple is in the wrong club and the sport has sought to address inadequate training. Our quarry is our lifeblood and our blood. It is our past, our present and our future. And those things do not play.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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A two-match qualifying for the European League.

After sink the yellow submarine, the Sevilla Football Club has only two parties a real chance to play next year in Europe League. He will if planted in the final against FC Barcelona. No doubt, given the uneven track record in the league team, is the shortest way to compete next year, and for the eighth consecutive season, the elite of European football.

Of all said and good about the game against Villareal, I'll take the best of the night: around the world of football Sergio Sanchez, a player who wanted to be even risking his own life . Sergio came back to wear short, he was player again, put on his boots and came back in style in one of those games that he, and all Sevilla fans will never forget. Sergio has been so brave, a dribble to misfortune, has clashed with his heart and has won the battle. Sevilla recovered a huge addition to playing professional football, faces life with tremendous pride in winning the game of his life. Toca

move on from that wonderful night we enjoy in our pillbox and focus on getting three points on Saturday against Levante. The way to move up the rankings is shown the other day. Defensive intensity throughout the computer, play more together in the midfield and take advantage of the fitness of Romaric - another great match from Ivory Coast - and Negredo, two players who understand great on grass. Leave a clean sheet in this Sevilla, is often synonymous with victory because the dynamite above is remarkable. You can not always start losing, not every day you can turn around the marker.

begins the second round Saturday and three points against Levante, should be the first of a team that necessarily has to be strong at home to avoid the bleeding of points lost in the first round to get the sporting objectives, that word President, are the same early in the season. There's plenty of distance between the current classification of our team and noble positions of the table. I would say insurmountable. But if there is any chance you get, is fixing the mess we have shown defensive throughout the first round. Otherwise, we will play a mediocre league, those who are between the eyes, reaching forty-three points.

Monday, January 17, 2011

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Profiling in times of crisis.

blow against English sport, our team is positioned in the leader board in no man's land. The same distance between the posts above, that with the team struggling against relegation. Already almost everything said about this tremendous setback, curious that almost every time we visit the English, leaving the patio upset - we received last Saturday. And no time to lick the wounds, we expect the return of glass against Villareal. In any other circumstance we would be very optimistic about the outcome of the match at the Madrigal. To go round just enough to make our clean sheet. But it seems that the work of Javi Navarro in the sports city - is on the coaching staff for the group to assimilate the same concepts defensive when he led was active - not getting the results we all want. We will have to win at Villareal because almost surely - hopefully not - they scored a goal in our pillbox. TEAM

While sailing for that momentous shock weapons that can get us another season in the semifinals of the Cup of Spain, the January transfer window begins to move and almost all computers that are important objectives, have started to strengthen . In that task is the direction of our beloved club sport with the aim of finding the necessary balance between the sporting needs and financial outlay required. The economic crisis and the chaotic financial situation of the vast majority of First Division clubs, with stratospheric debts and situations technical bankruptcy in any corporation that was not sports, requires to be very cautious in the decision.

addition, in the case of our team, Monchi has the added pressure that can not be wrong again. Guarente and Cigarini or, for various reasons, have come to cover the shortcomings of the equipment in a line that after an absence of Duscher, Maresca Martin or the eternal injury Fazio and the very low form of Renato and Zokora is patently unbalanced . Is required then sign and hit, and without going into names not to feed the journalistic speculation, nor value, for my lack of quality on preferences technical direction, if I feel that bringing this point to little league players as Norway competitive or players who do not know our competition and should be adapted in a very short time and without contrast solvency, the risk of error is very high .

Worst of all, however, is that this template, unbalanced midfield back, and aged by time, requires more than mere tinkering. The computer is not unlike previous steps done. Or rather, there was a team made the time and errors in technical decisions - signings and inadequate training, have been impoverished. In this overriding goal, the sooner than later, make a template according to our budget, it is no secret that substitute must be sought Palop while coming from behind in the branch - and I mean Javi Varas - end of set. Neither side is that, especially right after persistent Konko indolence and lack of quality of Dabo, are our weak points.

In the center of defense concerns are enormous, and the low Squillaci with the league started, the transfer of Cala to Cartagena, the transfer of Adriano to Barcelona and injuries Sergio Sanchez Drago and we have weakened too much. The conclusion of this brief ray, is that the imbalance of the workforce, this team has the powder up the champions, but below is butter, hardly get the goals set earlier in the season and it looks like it will break the dynamics of the eight previous seasons with the team qualified for European competition play . Quite the contrary, statistics tell us, with the numbers in front, that does not correct course, our position at the end of the championship will be more or less the deal now. The second round of the league championship will be very hard and should have the homework done early. I mean 43 points clear. Anything else would make a second round of league champion, which a team that throughout the first round gets 12 points from a possible 30 in their field, has little chances of success.

In midfield there are doubts. Just have a serious problem that the money invested in signings in recent years (Zokora, Romaric, Guarente, Cigarini-Duscher, Fazio) have not been able to solve. Coupled to that the very low form of Renato, and in the twilight of his career, the loneliness of Zokora as the only means of containment after injuries to Fazio and Guarente, and little or no presence of players who are pushing hard in the subsidiary to conclude that in this area, not just a simple touch. We must go further. And the crisis does not help solve our problem, which is none other than us spent the last three seasons, a lot of money, more than we could even soccer players who, for one reason or another, have failed in the grass, benefits disbursement required. The result of this chain of mistakes is a high payroll and a team overrated.

And this is not fixed in the winter market, or clocking players transferred for six months, or indeed hit tab to 10 players in one season. It's not just a problem of cash, also. It is not easy, at one stroke, solve quality problems that have accumulated over several years in our first team.

Monchi has more than proved their worth in front of the address the biggest team sport in Southern Europe and needs no further guarantees that he and his team have won every day in their management for years. Del Nido is, without doubt, the best President of the glorious centennial history of the club of my loves. For this reason and because I want to remain so, they must put their five senses in successfully overcome this difficult situation. Difficult times ahead, but no better than them to bring out this boat is now sailing through troubled waters.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

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only him.

After seeing the ad campaign starring Olivia Palermo and her boyfriend Johannes, y derretirme en cada una de las fotos que aparecía él, me dije: ¿y por que no hacer un post sólo para ellos?
Y es que este chico, sabe qué y cómo llevarlo en cada momento, por supuesto siempre en armonía con su guapísima Olivia. 

En fin, una pareja ideal.

Pero no todos tienen la misma imaginación y sofisticación para vestir y necesitan que alguien les aconseje y les guíe. Pues me he puesto manos a la obra!! Como no soy una experta sobre la ropa y los estilos de ellos, I decided to investigate this unknown part of the companies that we like, the man and boy. I was surprised to discover you share with us a lot of looks that will carry us through the winter, alpine outfits, the aviator style, military, neutral colors, beige, full range of gray plaid ... Here I let everything that could collect, I hope you like very helpful and guide you to you to advise your kids, and to surprise them. Besos. HANDLE LOOKS

aviator style shades Much land.

eighties and very urban

elegance incarnate, even in jeans.

BENETTON the touch of color to winter