Thursday, July 29, 2010

Different Types Of Boobs?

Metallica: Grande between the four major ...

Metallica is one of the biggest bands of the thrash metal, part of the famous "Big Four of the trash" along with Anthrax, Slayer and Megadeath. This year they have toured in the "Death Magnetic Tour."

The band consists of: James Hetfield (vocals, guitar), Lars Ulrich (drums), Kirk Hammett (guitar) and Robert Trujillo (bass).

The formation of the band was not always the same, such was his lead guitarist Lloyd Grant, later replaced by Dave Mustaine (leader and founder of Megadeath), and original bass player was Ron McGoveny, later replaced by Cliff Burton, after replaced by Jason Newstead.

The band was founded in the year 1980 when Lars Ulrich Dann moved to Los Angeles, arriving as a priority had to find his own heavy metal band, this would lead in 1981 to publish an ad in the Recycler magazine requesting a guitarist to form a band with influences bands in the NWOBHM (New Wave Of British Heavy Metal) , focusing on their favorite bands: Diamondhead, Motorhead and Iron Maiden.

who responded to the call was a young man named James Hetfield, although in the beginning to Hetfield was not convinced the playing of Lars formed a group, this key union was the subject that Lars was booked by his friend Brian Slangel in the newly created Metal Blade Records.

Ron James McGoveny asked to play bass with them and offered to teach you to play, Ron design the now famous logo of the band, After a long search for a guitarist influenced by the NWOBHM found Loyd Grant Who played the first demo called "Hit The Lights." Shortly after

Loyd was replaced by Dave Mustaine. The live debut of Metallica would take place on March 14, 1982 at Radio City in Anaheim club.

The band started to have problems with Mustaine due to his extremely violent behavior and addiction to drugs and alcohol, Hetfield and Ulrich were also seriously considering switching to McGoveny, saw Cliff Burton after then band member who offered Trauma to join Metallica, he refused.

In one of his concerts would have Metallica as support to the band Exodus, which was guitarist Kirk Hammett, which was designed as a perfect replacement for Mustaine. Shortly

McGoveny left the band after hearing that had been reaching out to Cliff Burton, who started to have problems with trauma because of their music, so decided to go to metallica with the uncia and non-negotiable condition to move to san Francisco, which was the capital of the metal trash then.

After a while (1983) moved to New York, where, after firing and hiring Hammett Mustaine recorded their first album under the name "Killl'em All of the albums that followed Ride The Lightning and Master Of Puppets, but on 27 September 1986 Volco the bus and falling on the body of Cliff Burton and giving death, which caused the suspension of the tour and the remaining miebros concern of finding a new bassist.

After talking with relatives of the recently deceased decided to continue with the band, recruiting Jason Newsted with whom he recorded the albums ... And Justice For All, The Black Album (Metallica), Load, Reload and St. Anger.

The latter part of output and Newstead arrival Robert Trujillo , Actual Bajista, con el que solo han grabado el album mas reciente "Death Magnetic".

Cabe mencionar que Trujillo anteriormente habia trabajado con Black Label Society, Suicidal Tendences y con el mismisimo Ozzy Osbourne, lo que, segun sus palabras, le ayudo a incorporarse rapidamente a uno de los grandes.


Se ha hablado mucho sobre la gran disputa entre Metallica y Megadeath, esto se debe a que Dave Mustaine, despues de ser despedido de metallica , en sus propias palabras el dijo, "Después de ser despedido de Metallica, todo lo que recuerdo es que quería sangre, la suya. Quería ser más faster than them. "

Since then there has been a dispute to" see who is better "but james Hetfiel affirm the following" We are not friends or enemies and it is best to stay well. "

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Games Nami X Nico Robin

Nirvana: The Birth of Grunge

For those who do not know the "Grunge" or "Seattle sound" is a musical genre from seattle created by Kurt Cobain (1967-1994) in the late eighties, among the most representative bands of the genre are: Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam and Foo Fighters.

The term "Grunge" comes from the word "Gungey" (used to say dirty).

The band members are: Kurt Cobain (vocals, guitar), Dave Ghrol (bass) and Krist Novocelic (drums)

Nirvana in 1989 released his CD Bleach, the ke followed: Nevermind (1991), intceside (1992), In Utero (1993) , MTV Unplgged (1994), From The Muddy Banks Of The Wiskah (1996)

Nirvana, As noted, beginning in 1989 with bleach, but obtains his popularity until 1991 with Nevermind.

Kurt Cobain, leader of the band, he found himself referred to in the media as "the voice of a generation", and Nirvana as the "gang symbol" of "Generation X". Cobain was uncomfortable with the care they provided and decided focus public attention on the band's music, challenging the audience with their third studio album In Utero. While Nirvana's popularity declined in the months following the album's release, much of the audience praised the interior "dark" of the band, especially after his presentation on MTV Unplugged.

The band ended in 1994 when Kurt Cobain committed suicide on April 5, the aforementioned year.

Among their most popular songs are: Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nevermind), Come As You Are (Nevermind), Sliver (Incesticide), among others.

Two years after Cobain's death "You Know You're Right" a demo never finished, took place 27 in the list of the greatest bands of the Rolling Stones.