Esta mañana, escuchando la radio, he conocido la iniciativa Banco de recuerdos . Ideada por la Agencia Contrapunto BBDO y liderada por la Fundación Reina Sofía , cuenta con la colaboración de la Asociación Nacional del Alzheimer , la Fundación CIEN (Centro de Investigación de Enferemedades Neurológicas), el Instituto de Salud Carlos III , el Imserso y la Confederación Española de Familiares de Enfermos de Alzheimer y otras Demencias y se define de este modo:
Banco de recuerdos es un lugar creado para salvaguardar thousands of real memories around the world.Based on data as "more than 100 million people could lose their memories in 2050 when research in Alzheimer not advance," the campaign is twofold: to achieve public awareness about the importance of continuing to research on Alzheimer's, on the one hand, and raise funds for this work.
page as you see in the capture above, is very simple: to occupy almost all the space there are boxes that keep the memories and we can move and tells us, when you mouse over each drawer, the person who saved his memory there. As well as you can see, there are three options (in the two top corners and bottom center), which are:
A: Apadrina un recuerdo Undoubtedly probably the part that concerns us as teachers of ELE. Here the student pre-and ourselves to provide a model of text-will find your personal space to keep his memory. How do you do? It is very simple:
Move your mouse on the top right corner (Donate a memory) appears a drop-down invites us to ask that we assign a drawer. clicking and see how you open a drawer from which a tab for us .
On top of that tab include your name, title of remembrance and our email address .
Then choose the format or formats in which we want to preserve the memory: as text, image (up to 3MB)
and / or video
(with a link to the URL where we Youtube this video
) and we get down to work.

Step 3. Once the work we do click remember
Up for archiving. Once done, gives us the option to share
via Twitter
and post it on our Facebook wall

A few months ago I read a post by Francisco Herrera about the possibilities of Carritus
portal to create tasks for the class of ELE. In the same line I found very interesting to bring the initiative
Bank memories in this blog and bring it to our classrooms. Interestingly, the only negative point was Carritus Francisco (The only thing I missed was a greater overlap with social networks to share the results comfortably on Facebook or Twitter) did we find embedded in the memories Bank. 
It also matches
for our students to summarize their experience in Malaga with an image and a text
with very interesting and fun. - Bank campaign memorabilia in the press and the networks: Link Enlace weeks I have been watching with pleasure and surprise that the number of subscribers to the blog and contacts in other social networks has been growing at a faster rate than normal. This means greater responsibility and dose requirement. In addition, I was curious to know why and one of them I think is in the gesture that the publisher had to include precisely Dissemination Section Idea for today in the May issue of its newsletter 1 minute Dissemination.
take this opportunity to welcome new readers and subscribers to the blog and to reiterate my invitation to share ideas for each day, as they have done Elisa profs as Hergueta from Vienna or
Maribel González
from Alicante.